iAdvise already did several presentations and seminars about Forms and Forms Modernization.
And it’s good to see that companies get the messages we are talking about.
We’ve visited a customer who still had some questions on the future of Forms.
They received complaints of users that the UI isn’t “sexy” enough, but besides that there’s nothing “wrong” with the application.
That’s why we told them there’s no need to migrate to another technology.
The demos we did about upgrading, modernizing and integration and of course the statement of direction of Oracle(Oracle Forms will not desupported) showed that we are right.
Now they’re planning the upgrade from Forms 10g to 11g.
After that they’ll take a look at how they can modernize the application(look&feel) and how they can integrate with their other applications.
That’s the way to go!
If you want to read more about our view on Oracle Forms, check out the article “What’s your choice for Oracle Forms” on All Things Oracle.